10 unknown waterfalls in Iceland

February 07, 2017  •  1 Comment

I guess you have all seen pictures of Gullfoss, Seljalandsfoss, Skógafoss, Goðafoss and Dettifoss waterfalls, the most photographed in the country? Yes, I thought so. That is why I am bringing you some less known or even unknown waterfalls all around Iceland, waterfalls you can photograph with me on my 10 day photo tour around Iceland or the Highland adventure which is in late July.

Number one: The No-name waterfall

No-name waterfallSeljalandsá-160417_DSC3677 This one does not have a name but it is in the same river as one of Iceland's best known waterfalls, and hardly anyone goes there - ever! This is a good sunset location in late April until May and in late September, as the sun shines into the canyon and lights up the waterfall.


Number 2: Fagrifoss



His name is Fagrifoss, which means "Beautiful waterfall", and it sure is beautiful. The farmers who own the land must have run out of ideas for a name as they found this one, but that is ok. It is located near a popular highland route to Laki in the south-east highlands.


Number 3: Fossárfoss

Travelling in the East-fjords you might find this waterfall if you look carefully. it is located in Berufjörður fjord in the river Fossá, which means "Waterfall river" and, you guessed it, his name is Fossárfoss, or "Waterfall-river waterfall". 


Number 4: Dynkur

DynkurDynkur-140818_MG_9151 Far up in the highlands of south Iceland, in Iceland's longest river you might find this one. Dynkur is it's name, which could translate as "Thunder". It is in the Þjórsá river, which is a glacial river originating in the center of Iceland.


Number 5: Flögufoss 

In a gorge cutting into one of the widest valleys in Iceland, Breiðdalur in the East fjords you can hike up to this gorgeous waterfall, Flögufoss. It has made a hole through the basalt rock on the edge of the cliff where it falls down and the river trickles through the rocks in the canyon.


Number 6: Ægissíðufoss

ÆgissíðufossÆgissíðufoss-060413_MG_3709 This waterfall, Ægissíðufoss is in the flattest part of Iceland, right in the middle of the south, where you can see tens of kilometers in all directions, but still it is hidden from the view of most people who travel in the area. It is in one of Icelands great Salmon rivers, Ytri-Rangá which runs through the town of Hella.


Number 7: Gluggafoss Gluggafoss-Gluggafoss-091212_MG_6032 The Gluggafoss, or "Window waterfall" is out of plain sight and out of the ring-road number one. You might find it if you travel the road in Fljótshlíð towards the Syðra-Fjallabak highland area. He got his name because he falls out through a "window" in the cliffs.


Number 8: Bláfjallakvísl BláfjallakvíslBláfjallakvísl-160724_DSC7387 Surrounded by this luminous green moss you might find this waterfall in the river Bláfjallakvísl on the Syðra-Fjallabak highland route. It can not be seen from the road, and you must have a local knowledge in the area to locate it.

Number 9: Ófærufoss

Eldgjá-150728_MG_0036Eldgjá-150728_MG_0036 The Ófærufoss waterfall is near the Nyrðra-Fjallabak highland route in the river Syðri-ófæra. It falls into the Eldgjá canyon, which is the largest volcanic canyon in the world, approx. 40 km long, 270 m deep and 600 m wide at its greatest. The waterfall can be seen from two locations, up on the ridge where this photo is shot, or by hiking 2 km one way up the canyon to the waterfall.

Number 10: Axlarfoss


The Axlarfoss waterfall is also in the highlands of south Iceland, near the Syðra-Fjallabak route. It is hard to find and get to, unless you know where to look, but it sure is worth visiting when you get there.


As you might think, there are a several other waterfalls that I could have shown you here, and you might guess that waterfalls are my favourite subjects. You are right about that too :-) and I love just sitting around and looking at them, listening to their different voices echoing in the canyons and cliffs. You should join me one day to see and hear for your self.

Thanks for reading, comments and thoughts are welcome.


nice collection
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